This webpage contains information on the involvement of Grand Riverkeeper, Labrador in the Muskrat Falls Inquiry and Forensic Audit.
The Hearings were open to the public at the Lawrence O’Brien Art Centre in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. (Copies of our Submissions are available for download here – see below)
The Inquiry Hearings started September 17, 2018. The final report of the Inquiry was due to be delivered to the Minister of Natural Resources on or before December 31, 2019. It was made available in March 2020. It can be found on the official website, Commission of Inquiry Respecting the Muskrat Falls Project. Other documentation such as the Terms of Reference and submissions can also be found on that website.
Submissions Relevant to Grand Riverkeeper Labrador Inc
- Terms of Reference
- Public Notice – Call for Submissions
- Submission by Grand Riverkeeper, Labrador Inc. and Labrador Land Protectors
- Interpretation of the Terms of Reference
- Application for Standing and Funding by Grand Riverkeeper, Labrador Inc. and Labrador Land Protectors
- Decision on Application for Standing
- Request to Expand Scope of the Standing by Grand Riverkeeper, Labrador Inc. and Labrador Land Protectors
- Decision on Request to Expand Scope
- Commissioner LeBlanc’s Recommendation on Application for Funding (refer p.4 #7)